Introduction: Rural Pathways to Education Project

Jana Smith, co-founder of the Stena Foundation is passionate about helping rural students obtain an education. She grew up in a rural community and while attending high school she was told by a teacher that she was academically incompetent. This, along with several other barriers she faced later in life, kept her from ever receiving a college degree. Jana’s desire to help others overcome the challenges she faced has fueled what the Stena Foundation calls the Rural Pathways to Education Project. 

The Rural Pathways to Education Project is focused on utilizing partners to develop a deeper understanding of the barriers that exist for rural students as they strive to receive a higher education. In partnership with the Sorenson Impact Center and the University of Utah, the Stena Foundation plans to utilize both primary and secondary research to identify key players, create frameworks, gather insights, and eventually pose solutions.

The Sorenson Impact Center is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and is specifically housed within the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business. The Center is dedicated to helping organizations achieve their impact vision through impact investing, impact strategy, impact measurement and reporting, impact finance, and impact storytelling. The center works with private sector/for-profit companies, investment portfolios, large foundations, local and state government agencies, family offices, fund managers, and more. The Stena Foundation has partnered with the Sorenson Impact Center for this specific project to utilize the unique resources the Center provides, and to ensure their actions are leading to a real and lasting impact in the communities they are seeking to serve.

The Rural Pathways to Education project is currently segmented into four separate phases:

Phase 1

During Phase 1, Sorenson Impact Center will conduct background research and provide a landscape analysis to inform a comprehensive framework to identify factors in k-12 educational systems that predict future postsecondary readiness, access, and success.

Phase 2

In Phase 2, Sorenson Impact Center will dive into data and trends informed by the framework conducted in phase 1. This phase will include a scan of current mandates, policies, and initiatives that address postsecondary success, both at the state and local levels. Throughout this phase, the center will collaborate and coordinate with the Governor’s Office and State Board of Education to select appropriate school districts for the study. We will also begin to use qualitative methods to better understand students, families, and community needs.

Phase 3

Throughout Phase 3, Sorenson Impact Center will provide additional qualitative research strategies to build and refine a community-informed impact strategy. Utilizing our findings from phases 1 and 2, the Center will continue collaboration with identified rural areas and community stakeholders. Phase 3 will identify focus areas to refine the issues which are most urgent and addressable. We hope to build partnerships within this phase to maximize community engagement and participation ahead of Phase 4.

Phase 4

Phase 4 will begin with the results from the comprehensive needs assessment which will prioritize K-12 and postsecondary success. This information presented in this phase will inform decisions on the implementation of broader systems to impact students, families, and communities.

As the project progresses, we hope to share impact-focused data and insights that will inspire and encourage our readers. To learn more about our Rural Pathways to Education project click here.

Picture of Melissa Hart

Melissa Hart

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